With this iMovie for Android app you can change the color of your videos, merge several videos (it does not matter if they do not have the same video format), you can add music or subtitles, you can even record a voice note and add it to your video, you can do so much with this app that you probably will not notice that it lacks the option for transitions, not even in the paid version. Browse your video library, share favorite moments, and create beautiful movies that you can edit at resolutions up to 4K. Video Show: Video Editor & Maker is a video editor for Android and even though its pink interface might make you think twice before downloading, you should really give it a try. iMovie Description With a streamlined design and intuitive editing features, iMovie lets you create Hollywood-style trailers and beautiful movies like never before. It is known that video editing can take up a lot of time and resources but smartphones take down a weigh from our backs. With this video editor, making memes, creating a video with photo, picture, music, sticker, and sound effect is easy and fun, edit video for YouTube, Instagram, Tik Tok, Facebook, Messenger, Whatsapp, Twitter, etc. Smartphones take up almost every minute of our lives and it would only be fair if we could take advantage of them and use them for stuff that would be more complicated on a computer, for example. iMovie Video Editor is an easy-to-use, full-featured video editor loaded with powerful tools. If anyone still thinks that editing video from your cellphone is not possible, then they might still be living in the 90's. With a streamlined design and intuitive editing features, iMovie lets you create Hollywood-style trailers and beautiful movies like never before.